It's Earth Day later this month and although most of us don't associate Spring Cleaning with Earth day maybe we should. I had a big "aha!" moment yesterday while working at a client and going through clothes. (FYI: picture shown is grabbed from the web just to give you an idea of what happens if we don't take the time to clean out periodically!) We sorted, catalogued items for tax purposes and ended up bagging up 8 bags of clothes for donation. Donating those clothes is the best kind of recycling! My client has changed jobs/lost weight so now those clothes can be put to great use by someone else. Good for her, good for someone else and good for the Earth. Anytime we can re-use or re-purpose items it's recycling at it's best. Spring is a great time to do a proper closet cleanout and re-org since you can also change over for the seasons. It's also a great time to clean out and tidy lots of other areas of the house. This link has some good resources and lists for getting it done.
Need some "hands on help" for tackling the projects? Contact me :) Every session with me includes taking one load of items (as much as can fit in my SUV) to Goodwill on my way home and I provide the tax reciept to my client. Some people may get the sorting and bagging done on their own but with their busy schedules sometimes never get around to getting the items out of the house. I take care of that by loading the items for you to my car and getting them out of the house promptly!
Need some "hands on help" for tackling the projects? Contact me :) Every session with me includes taking one load of items (as much as can fit in my SUV) to Goodwill on my way home and I provide the tax reciept to my client. Some people may get the sorting and bagging done on their own but with their busy schedules sometimes never get around to getting the items out of the house. I take care of that by loading the items for you to my car and getting them out of the house promptly!