Years ago when the boys were young, I bought these very inexpensive closet hanging organizers. Best $10 (each) I've ever spent when it come to their rooms. It has served different purposes as the kdis have grown older and they are still as handy today as they were 6+ years ago. When they were young, it was great to load each day's shelf with a set of clothes that we would decide on together so getting ready in the morning went quickly and without argument. It gave the boys a feeling of independence to be able to get ready by themselves and me piece of mind knowing what they would come downstairs dressed in. As they got older, it was great to make sure certain clothes needed on certain days would not be forgotten, i.e. special items for school or sports. Even now it's a saving grace, as I have gotten the boys to do most of their own laundry. A blog post on that to come :) But now, as they fold and put away their own laundry it's easy for them to stuff a shelf of the organizer and cuts down on things being shoved into draws and forgotten about...