This was the question I was asking myself when a different project failed...I thought I had come up with a great idea to use a metal yard stick tacked up under cabinets or by a desk area to be able to tack papers, etc. via a magnet... only to find out a magnet wouldn't stick to it :( Still love that idea but will need to find some similar metal strip at a hardware store and test it...So after that, I found myself wandering around my house wondering what will my magnet stick to...Here's one answer and project that came out of it. Got any old cookie sheets that are at the end of their lives? Good - now grab a roll of contact paper at the Dollar Store, cut, peel and stick, add magnets and if you are lucky like me and there is a hole at one end of your sheet - you are one hammer and nail away from a new magnet board hung and ready to use! Possibilities are endless! You could spray paint sheet before contact paper, edge sheet with ribbon, tons of ways to disguise and decorate to suit your needs. I LOVE re-purposing things and finding fun/stylish solutions to stay organized. One project may have failed but I like what I came up with on round two!